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Does the Solar Tax Credit Cover Powerwalls?

Tax season feels like it’s been going on forever, but it’s really only been two months. Homeowners wanting to make the most of tax credits might want to look into solar power. A solar power system uses solar energy to power a home throughout the evening. Homeowners with solar systems can already benefit from the solar tax credit. Regarding the solar tax credit, does it cover Tesla Powerwalls?

What Can the Solar Tax Credit Cover?

The tax credit can cover anything with a solar panel. The credit covers the installation costs of the roof, gazebo, deck, and every panel within your property’s perimeter. Any outlays accumulated during the installation process of solar panels and units are eligible for the energy usage incentive.

Can the Solar Tax Credit Cover Powerwalls?

Yes, the tax credit does cover Powerwalls. You can claim the tax credit if your Powerwall connects to a 100 percent-run solar power system. The incentive covers initial costs for Powerwalls.

Is It Worth Investing in a Powerwall?

Powerwalls are worth every penny; homeowners decrease utility costs by charging the battery during the day and powering the home at night. Additionally, you cut the chances of power and fire failures during days of inclement weather.

How Does a Person Qualify for the Solar Tax Credit?

Knowing if you qualify for the solar tax credit can be tricky. First, you must know you can’t claim the solar tax credit if you aren’t the solar system owner. If you rent a home or solar system from a neighbor, you cannot claim either.

While tax credits are available to everyone, you aren’t guaranteed all of them. The essential criteria are making sure you own the property the solar panel system sits on and that you didn’t buy the solar system after the last day of the previous year. If you qualify, start learning to file for the solar tax credit.

How Many Powerwalls Can I Claim?

Since you can only claim one solar power system, most companies may only submit up to three Powerwalls. Ask your solar power installer how many Powerwalls they could submit for the tax initiative, as many have limits.

Claim Your Solar Credit After Installing a Powerwall

Ensure you claim your Powerwall on the solar tax credit before filing. Doing so can save you more on start-up costs. Moreover, the solar tax credit won’t be possible to claim without going through a Tesla-approved installer.

Go Solar Power is on a mission to bring energy savings to your home. Let’s install a solar energy system in your home and a Powerwall so that you can claim them on your taxes. Contact us for Powerwall installation rates and info on claiming the solar tax credit.

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