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Solar PV Panels: The Sunny Basics

Solar PV Panels

Solar PV Panels are becoming familiar sights around the country. As a result of more homeowners choosing sun for energy. However, a few rare homes are able to stand alone with only solar and wind power. Most are connected to the grid.

When the home is connected to the local utility company. That company is working with the home and the solar panels. Which creates a continuous energy stream.

Basic Setup of Solar PV Panels

Setup includes solar pv panels on the roof. An inverter box. Net meter and connections to the roof, In addition to the connections to the grid.

Solar pv panels communicate with the home and the utility company.  Hence, monitoring usage, and providing electricity.

Energy is recorded and sent to the appropriate places. In particular at the appropriate times. Throughout the daily cyclic usage.

tesla energy

Midday Solar PV Panels

During the day when everyone is at work or school. As a result, the home is using the least amount of electricity. This is over a 24-hour period.  The sun is up and charging the solar panels fully.

It will not use any power from the grid. Subsequently, the energy from the solar panels moves into the home. There is too much energy for the quiet home to use. Extra energy goes back outside the home and into the grid.

Many homeowners enjoy credits from the utility company for this excess energy. Some areas offer “net metering”.  In short, the homeowner sells the energy at the same rate at which they buy it. Every utility company is different.  Check with the local company for specific details.

Afternoon Solar PV Panels

The sun starts to move into the west. Consequently, energy absorption reduces through the solar pv panels. However, the panels are still charged. 

Energy credits continue to grow as the home continues to give back to the grid. Since most of the family still isn’t home, this time is considered low-energy.

Evening Solar PV Panels

Home switches back to full grid power. Indeed family begins to come home. Appliances, lights, and entertainment devices are in use. Therefore, evenings mean high energy and grid usage.

Evening is where most homeowners break even. The home has used solar all day. Therefore, power was provided back to the utility company.

house with solar power system
tesla powerwall and roof on house

The Design

A properly designed on-grid solar PV panel system will achieve 100% of a home’s power requirements. In other words, the home breaks even with the utility company. With zero net usage charges. Borrowing from the sun and the grid means no power interruptions. Reduced bills. More importantly, a reduced carbon footprint. Many homes are making the switch. As a result, enjoying all the benefits of a solar home.

A Team You Can Count On

Go Solar Power is designing solar systems to produce savings.  No in eight states across the USA. Including Florida, Texas and California.  Our expert Solar Specialist will create and design a complimentary solar savings plan.  Presented to you over the phone while you are safe in the comfort of  home. Make sure to ask about our Solar Stimulus plan that offers cash back. Call 800-530-9597, or email us at info@gosolarpower.com.

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