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Embrace the Future when you Install Economical Solar Panels


The Future of Home Power Looking for a better way to power your house? The future holds energy production Solar panels are not the right fit for everyone, but for many they’re a great green way to reduce your carbon footprint. Solar panels are an investment, but you can recoup the initial cost – and more – in […]

Full House and the #1 way to Power it

Family of six smiling with solar panels

The Full House  The full house in a post-pandemic 2020 is fuller than it has ever been before. Not since the Great Depression have families seen more of their children moving back home. In fact, according to a recent Pew Research survey. 52% of 18-29 year-olds in the US are living with at least one […]

Tesla Powerwall: Save and Store Solar

single tesla powerwall in a garage

Save and Store with Tesla Powerwall Attaining the power freedom of your home brings huge benefits. If you have installed solar panels, then you need a seamless way to store the excess energy produced, especially during the day. Or maybe you’re looking for a way to stockpile power for backup during a power outage. Either […]

Operational Licenses:

  • Florida #2018105561
  • Alabama #000579705
  • Arizona #23546197
  • California #201920310049
  • District of Columbia #C00007789253
  • Georgia #19090818
  • Louisiana #44365017Q
  • Maine #20240247FC
  • Maryland #Z24080475
  • Minnesota #1397224200025
  • New Hampshire #934230
  • New Jersey #0450981072
  • New York #7034731
  • North Carolina #1799097
  • Rhode Island #202340722220
  • South Carolina #00977702
  • Texas #32075439334

Solar Contractor License:

  • CVC 56962 (Florida)
  • COA 650 (South Carolina)

Electrical License:

  • California CSLB#1069269
  • Florida: EC13007879
  • Georgia: EN216145
  • North Carolina: U32638
  • South Carolina: CLM115302
  • Alabama: 02301
  • Texas: 35375
  • Louisiana 72043


  • RS9908186


  • TC5160

Contractor License:

  • FL Roofing CCC 1332637
  • FL Builders CBC1264000
  • Georgia Builders GCCO007273

California Self Generation Incentive Program:

  • GSP Electric Developer Key: 8350NF
NABCEP certified pv installation professional