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Roofs and Solar: What Type of Roof Is Best?


The first question many people have when they decide to install solar panels is about their roof and solar. More specifically, whether their roof is ideal for the project. Although you can mount solar panels on most roofing materials, some are better suited than others. There is a global consensus for sustainable and eco-friendly power […]

How Many Solar Panels do I need?


For many homeowners, the main reasons for going solar are to save money and reduce your environmental footprint.  So, how many solar panels do you need for maximum savings and minimum environmental impact?  The exact number of solar panels you need for an efficient solar energy system depends on several factors. These include: Your household’s […]

6 Absolute Benefits of Solar Power for Your Restaurant


Going green seems to be the new craze in town, and the hospitality industry has not been left behind. We have outlined six benefits for a Restaurant going Solar. A lot of restaurants are opting for solar energy as opposed to regular electricity. Many of them are investing in solar panels and gradually easing off […]

Understanding How Solar Billing Works

kilowatt-hour meter

This is the guide to truly understand your solar billing. It is exciting and relieving considering the benefits of cost-saving associated with going solar.   For a Go Solar Power client running a solar energy system for their homes, two bills are sent – one from the provider of their solar loan, the other from […]

Federal Solar Tax Credit: A Money-Saving Incentive To Go Solar


The Federal Solar Tax Credit is an amazing incentive for going Solar.  This incentive is helping grow the Solar Industry in the United States. Since the inception in 2006, America has seen a growth by more than 10,000%. In 2015 the ITC was extended thanks to the overwhelming response and success of the program.  Unfortunately, the tax […]

Operational Licenses:

  • Florida #2018105561
  • Alabama #000579705
  • Arizona #23546197
  • California #201920310049
  • District of Columbia #C00007789253
  • Georgia #19090818
  • Louisiana #44365017Q
  • Maine #20240247FC
  • Maryland #Z24080475
  • Minnesota #1397224200025
  • New Hampshire #934230
  • New Jersey #0450981072
  • New York #7034731
  • North Carolina #1799097
  • Rhode Island #202340722220
  • South Carolina #00977702
  • Texas #32075439334

Solar Contractor License:

  • CVC 56962 (Florida)
  • COA 650 (South Carolina)

Electrical License:

  • California CSLB#1069269
  • Florida: EC13007879
  • Georgia: EN216145
  • North Carolina: U32638
  • South Carolina: CLM115302
  • Alabama: 02301
  • Texas: 35375
  • Louisiana 72043


  • RS9908186


  • TC5160

Contractor License:

  • FL Roofing CCC 1332637
  • FL Builders CBC1264000
  • Georgia Builders GCCO007273

California Self Generation Incentive Program:

  • GSP Electric Developer Key: 8350NF
NABCEP certified pv installation professional